The Activator Method of chiropractic adjustment offers chiropractors a gentle, precise method of correcting spinal alignment and returning free motion to patients’ joints. In Dr. Chris Wertin’s hands, this method has become an amazing tool that helps restore health to those patients who have visited one doctor after another in an attempt to finally reclaim their health.
An Activator is a handheld device that delivers an exact and gentle impulse to the spine, muscles or joints. Early in his practice, Dr. Chris utilized this instrument in his research to discover better, faster methods of helping patients heal from injuries or illnesses. His developments enabled him to provide solutions to patients who had suffered for years with problems no doctors could resolve.
This method can work wonders on all patients and can be used with the most delicate of people including babies (even newborns), seniors and anyone concerned about osteoporosis or uncomfortable with skeletal manipulation.
At the three offices of Advanced Chiropractic Services, every doctor uses Dr. Chris’ discoveries with the Activator Method so they can achieve the very best results for their patients.