Advanced Chiropractic Services is an award-winning chiropractic clinic for athletes. We recognize that athletes of all types, even weekend athletes, routinely challenge their bodies to perform to the highest levels possible. This type of stress can easily result in injury if there’s a fall or accident or if repetitive motion causes injury to a joint or muscle. Availability of quality chiropractic for athletes can mean that a person can quickly return to participation in sports, rather than being sidelined for weeks or months.

Dr. Chris Wertin’s Chiropractic for Athletic Performance

In his earliest years in practice, Dr. Chris devoted himself to research to find out why some patients would not recover with traditional chiropractic care. He learned how to find the root cause for patients’ complaints and developed an effective method of relieving these complaints using the Activator Method. Application of these techniques turned out to be remarkably effective in healing sports injuries.

He soon was sought by athletes as a highly effective chiropractor for runners, runner’s knee, piriformis syndrome and many other sports-related complaints. He has helped former and current professional basketball players, Olympic athletes and players on local college and high school teams get back in the game.

Maintaining Good Health with Chiropractic for Athletes

While chiropractic is effective in helping patients recover from sports injuries, it is also excellent for helping a person stay in good condition to participate in athletics. Chiropractic care helps a patient maintain a good range of motion in their joints. And because the body is in balance, it’s possible to achieve a higher level of performance in athletics ranging from golf to professional basketball.

If injuries or physical issues have sidelined you, call us to schedule a consultation. We’ll tell you how we can get you participating in your favorite sports again. Call us at (785) 842-4181.

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