I have been seeing Dr. Jessica for awhile now and I have had some very difficult issues with my back. She has always helped me to the fullest with my back problem and beyond. On May 29th I had just been seen by Dr. Jessica and not more than two hours later I was involved in a rear-end car accident, I called to get myself in to Dr. Jessica as soon as possible.
I was seen in the Emergency room after the accident and was told it was whiplash, knowing the extent of my back issues they did not do an MRI or X-RAY nor did they tell me I had a concussion. They just told me to take these pills and sent me on my way.
When I went to see Dr. Jessica, she told me I had a concussion and whiplash, thankfully with me just being seen earlier before the accident my back held up pretty good, after several visits she had me back to normal (or as normal as can be for me). I was feeling pretty good, then I fell off of my deck and was right back to see Dr, Jessica, I was in a lot of pain and it took awhile but she had me fixed up and feeling better. When I started seeing Dr. Jessica back in 2017. I believe it was, I could hardly walk. Walking was a very big challenge, I would often fall quite a bit.
I was not sleeping well, the basic things in life were really wearing my down like brushing my hair or untying a knot, holding a pan with food in it. All of those things were a challenge for me. Once I started seeing Dr. Jessica and I started to make changes in the medicine I was taking and the food I was eating (which she was a great help with this as well) I started to feel better physically and mentally. I was able to start walking my dogs again and I could brush my hair without being in pain. I was just feeling better all the way around.
Since the first time I saw Dr. Jessica my life has changed so much, I still have bad days where I hurt and I have a hard time with things but even my bad days now are better than my good days were before I started seeing Dr. Jessica.
Dr. Jessica is wonderful and I would recommend her to anyone, I can’t say enough about how she has helped me live a better life with the medical issues I face.
Thank You Dr. Jessica!