Back in 2007 I had an accident falling down from a six foot scaffolding and landed on the right side of my head. I had an MRI done and there was a hairline crack in my skull, but nothing major the doctor said. Four years after that I had another accident and it was the same thing. I fell from a six foot scaffold and hit the same side of my head. Ever since I have been feeling numbness on that part of my head and I started to lose my hair like crazy!
I visited different doctors (chiropractor and neurologist) but no answer on what I was going through. I also did acupuncture which did release a lot of the tension in my head.
I have always been looking and trying whatever I think would help me. I was telling my story to my cousin and that’s when she told me about Dr. Chris and his technique that he uses to heal people. I decided to give it a try and I went to see him. And yes, he said he can help me! Thank god!!
The first time I saw him he said that my entire body was like a dry, twisted rag and that was exactly how I was feeling! Now, I thank God that I found him and my recovery has been amazing! That dry twisted rag body is no more twisted and I am able to breathe and have started to live again!
First, I thank God and then Dr. Chris for putting his hands on me!