During my first visit, I wish I had a dollar for every time Dr. Kyle said, “You got a lot goin’ on.” Indeed. Two herniated discs in my lower back were contributing to a twisted pelvis. I had a rib way out of whack. And to top it off, I have a rare, diagnosed headache condition.
Combined, 24/7/365 pain management has become a daily grind for the better part of 25 years for my discs and the severe, daily, chronic headache of more than 9 years is only controllable with prescription pain medication.
A nationally known headache specialist told me, “Nature brought it on and nature will have to take it away.” To date, I am still a work in progress, but in less than one month, Dr Kyle has been able to work through some scar tissue to provide much relief, greater flexibility and increased movement capabilities in my lower back.
My ribs feel much better. Most importantly to me, the crushing 24/7 headaches have diminished to the point where I have been able to cut my pain medications in half with great hope that I will be completely free of pain medication in the very near future for the first time since the headache began in 2011.